BZL coin

BZLcoin masternode setup guide for windows

last updated: 05-12-2018


  1. A local computer running under Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (x64 only) and working 24/7
  2. 1001 or more BZL as collateral (1000 BZL + 1 BZL to cover the transaction fees).
  3. BZLcoin wallet for windows.
  4. Fixed external IP address. Rent it from your internet service provider.

1. Open the wallet

2. Go to menu "Tools > Debug console"

3. Type getaccountaddress "Masternode1", and press "enter" key. Copy it to notepad (something like BxxxxxxxxxxfUL2pq9zxxxxxxxxxxxxxb)
NB: A new receiving address named "Masternode1" will be created.

4. Type masternode genkey, press "enter" key.
NB: Copy that key to notepad, you will need it later. Something like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWzueUX2wdmMogsbpWoxxxxxxxxxxxx).

5. Close "debug console" window.

6. click on "Send" Tab

7. Paste "Masternode1" address value (step 3) in "pay to" textbox, select an amount of 1000 coins and click on send button at bottom right.

8. Confirm sending by clicking on "yes" button.

9. Accept transaction fees by clicking on "yes" button.
It will appear as "Payment to yourself" and minus commission only. That is ok. Wait for 10 confirmations. It will take about 5 minutes. To check confirmations just double click on transaction.

11. Go to menu "Tools > Debug console"

12. type masternode outputs
Copy text only to notepad without quotes and brackets. It will be your collateral_output_txid and collateral_output_index

13. Go to menu "Tools > Open masternode configuration file

14. add masternode information like this:
alias YOUR_PUBLIC_IP:27777 masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

You can get your public ip by accessing to the following url
masternodeprivkey was generated at step 6
your collateral_output_txid and collateral_output_index were generated at step 12

15. Save and close

16. Go to menu "Tools > Open wallet configuration file" and change the setting like this
masternodeprivkey=THE KEY SAVED ON STEP 6

NB: Replace YOURUSER and YOURPASSWORD by your own values

17. Save and close

18. open port 7881 on your firewall (windows, router, ...), and create NAT if needed

19. open the wallet, and wait for full synch

20. check the transaction of step 7 (need 6 confirmations)

21. click on "Masternodes" Tab

22. select your masternode and click on "start alias" button

23. wait for 10, 20 min and your masternode status should change to ENABLED.

NB: First rewards will be avaiblale at block 342.000